Sunday, February 25, 2007

Bedford Art Class Schedule, Feb-Mar 2007

Monday, February 26
Monday, March 5
Monday, March 12
Sunday, March 18
Monday, March 26

All classes are from 6;30 to 9:30 at Sylvia's studio.

Call (two one six) 577-9874 for directions and to register.
All classes are $10 each. Join any time.


TedMcDermand said...

I've been into artistic expression since I was about 8 yrs old, now I'm 71, which is old but think about Picasso who was still at it at 90 so,anyway, I've been at it a long time. I've always wanted to do something out of welded steel, so big nobody could destroy it easily. One of your classes would be fun I expect.
Peace, groundhogger

Kristen S. Boyesen said...

I am 57, and I cannot see myself ever stopping artistic expression. It is ingrained in everything I do!

Seeing this original post really pointed out how lax I have been with keeping this blog up-to-date. The schedule was mostly for my art students, and it turned out my current group did not do much with the internet, so ...

I have two kinds of "art" classes. One of them, Imagination Arts, I will be taking on the road.

Perhaps I will end up in Florida doing a series of workshops, and I will be sure to let you know!